Our Story

Our Family

We run a small family business. On our website, and in life, family always comes before the brand. We’re Hannah and Adam, known around the house as Mom and Dad. We manage the boring business side of things while Emerson, Graham, and Claire are busy being our kids. They take care of product testing, and always have final approval on everything we sell. Emerson tests for style, of course. Graham confirms durability, like really confirms. And Claire… well Claire just puts everything in her mouth. We live in Utah but we love to travel and experience new places, when we have the time and money—it’s expensive! But most of all we love spending time with each other, which brings us to our brand.

Our Brand

We started Penny + Pear™ after Claire was born because we realized what everyone always tells you is true: they grow up too fast! We remodeled our home, adding a third bedroom to make room for our new little love. In the process we realized we have a knack for stylish, chic design. We also realized how much fun we can have including our children in our decision making. At Penny + Pear™ everything we sell is tested and approved by our children. We work hard to curate a collection of unique items you can’t just find anywhere, and then we make sure our kids love them. We don’t sell any products that we haven’t already loved. When you shop at Penny + Pear™ you’re not just supporting a small, family-run business, you’re also getting a little piece of our life and experience. And we love sharing that with you!